AftGangAglay Documentation

Resource Pack

AftGangAglay applications are consumed from a single archive which contains all the files required for execution. Resources can have attached configuration which is processed by the aga-packgen script for some predefined file types. This configuration is stored inside the resource pack in the header.

The exact specification of the resource pack is not outlined here, as it is intended to be a transparent container and internal details are liable to change between versions without being indicated as a breaking change.

Type Distinction Generator Description
Python Scripts Extension (.py) N/A Python scripts processed by aga-packgen will have an extra file terminator byte appended. This requires all Python sources to end with a newline.
Image Data Magic (0xA6A13600) aga-imggen aga-imggen processes typical image formats into raw RGBA8 image data, and appends their width and a magic indicator. This is consumed by aga-packgen to add a Width config tag.
Model Data Magic (0xA6A3D700) aga-vertgen aga-vertgen processes typical model formats into raw vertex data, and appends their bounding volume and a magic indicator. This is consumed by aga-packgen to add config tags relaying the bounding volume (Min(X|Y|Z) and Max(X|Y|Z)).