AftGangAglay Documentation

Engine Executable

The aftgangaglay executable is a relocatable executable which consumes applications and produces the desired behaviours therein. The executable itself shouldn't require any external runtime support.

The executable can be informed by several command line switches (if built with getopt support) detailed below.

-f [respack] Specifies an alternate resource pack path (default: ./agapack.raw)
-A [dsp] Currently unused
-D [display] Specifies an alternate DISPLAY string (default: $DISPLAY, otherwise :0)
-C [dir] Specifies the working directory to run from (default: ./)
-v Run in verbose mode; Enables exhaustive debug output

Additionally, on X based systems the remainder of argv is passed through to XLib init with its respective options.

Application Packaging

AftGangAglay applications should be shipped as a single resource pack alongside a compiled engine executable - optionally compiled as non-debug. There is currently no "integrated" method to set the application icon, but you can replace res/aga.ico before build on Windows targets.