AftGangAglay Documentation


Note: It is advised that you read the object documentation before this page in order to familiarise yourself with relevant terms and concepts.


Parameter Type Description
object nativeptr The object to check against
point list The point to check
planar int Whether the check should ignore Y position
debug int Whether to draw debug wireframes for the bounding volume
New in 2.1.0
optional tolerance float The tolerance/margin of the object's bounds; 0.1 if unspecified

Return Value

Type Description
int Whether the point lies inside the object's bounds


Checks whether point is within the bounding volume of object.

If planar is set, checks are only performed against the X and Z axes.
If debug is set, the bounding volumes will be outlined by a wireframe.


import agan

class game():
	def create(self):
		self.obj = agan.mkobj('foo.sgml')
		return self
	def update(self):
		if(agan.inobj(self.obj, [ 1.0, 0.0, 5.0 ], 1, 0)):
			agan.text('Hello', [ 0.5, 0.5 ])
		agan.log(agan.objconf(self.obj, [ 'Model' ]))
	def close(self):