AftGangAglay Documentation


Note: It is advised that you read the configuration documentation before this page in order to familiarise yourself with relevant terms and concepts.

Objects in AftGangAglay are managed graphical elements consisting of a model and a texture. Objects are described by a config file similar to aga.conf which describes how they should be rendered, as well as any additional user-specified configuration which can be retrieved using objconf.

Models are tagged with extra "bounding volume" information which is used by inobj.

A sample object might look like this:

	<item name="Model" type="String">
	<item name="Texture" type="String">
	<item name="Position">
		<item name="X" type="Float">0.0</item>
		<item name="Y" type="Float">0.0</item>
		<item name="Z" type="Float">0.0</item>
	<item name="Rotation">
		<item name="X" type="Float">0.0</item>
		<item name="Y" type="Float">0.0</item>
		<item name="Z" type="Float">0.0</item>
	<item name="Scale">
		<item name="X" type="Float">1.0</item>
		<item name="Y" type="Float">1.0</item>
		<item name="Z" type="Float">1.0</item>

Built-In Options

There are several options which AftGangAglay directly references from this file, detailed below:

Key Type Default Description
Model String N/A The path to the vertex data in the resource pack
Texture String N/A The path to the texture data in the resource pack

Additionally, the keys Position Rotation Scale should have 3 children of type float named X Y Z providing the initial transform for the object.