AftGangAglay Documentation


Note: It is advised that you read the object documentation before this page in order to familiarise yourself with relevant terms and concepts.


Parameter Type Description
object int The object whose config to get
path string[] A list of categories followed by the key for the config item to read.
General.Version would be specified by ['General', 'Version']

Return Value

Return type is deduced from item type in the config.

Type Description
int The value of an Integer config item.
float The value of a Float config item.
string The value of a String config item.


Returns the relevant configuration value from the object configuration file. The path should specify a full list of categories and subcategories to identify the item, if neccesary.

In the event that multiple items have the same key in a category, the first encountered reading down the file is the one returned.


import agan

class game():
	def create(self):
		self.obj = agan.mkobj('foo.sgml')
		return self
	def update(self):
		if(agan.inobj(self.obj, [ 1.0, 0.0, 5.0 ], 1, 0)):
			agan.text('Hello', [ 0.5, 0.5 ])
		agan.log(agan.objconf(self.obj, [ 'Model' ]))
	def close(self):